This consortium of Afro-pop music tells Zyti’s stories through his cultural lens which helps...
Month: June 2022
“Matrix” is an alluring new single which contains a mix of extremely catchy electronic...
“Demons Leave Me” introduces listeners to a variety of rhythms and styles, inspiring audiences...
“I Miss Your Touch” is a deeply relatable intimate musical masterpiece that simply tells...
Through her latest album, “20/20”, LollyPop captures a range of emotions, genres, and stories,...
Brooklyn, NY — THISMINORITY shares creations in order to put you in YOUR PLACE…...
With a goal of just making real, honest, and moving musical compositions, Hendryck Empole...
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada — Tired of frantic noise masquerading as music, the kind that...
Saving lives in honor of Burton Sirota’s memory, The Dandelion Dream embraces the sweet,...
With inspiration from personal experiences and family roots, Kyle Nicholas delivers a heartfelt Acoustic...