Loud music from Cape Coral bar causes nearby residents to push for change to city’s noise ordinance
Loud music from Cape Coral bar causes nearby residents to push for change to city’s noise ordinance

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Councilman John Gunter is in favor of bands needing a special permit to play outside past 11 p.m.

Tuesday, November 5th 2019, 11:21 PM EST by Victoria Wresilo

CAPE CORAL, Fla. – Residents in Cape Coral are pushing for changes in the city’s noise ordinance because of a loud bar downtown.

On Monday night, two people brought their complaints to the city council about Rusty’s Raw Bar and Grill on Southeast 46th Lane.

Ruth Jenkins and Karen Sonnhalter live across the street from the bar at Sandpiper Condos.

They say the loud music and noise from the bar keeps them awake at night.

“My sister is staying here and she’s in the front bedroom which is just across the street from Rusty’s. And there are many nights she can’t sleep at all,” said Jenkins.

Rusty’s says it has live bands and DJ’s multiple nights a week. But the bar’s boss says that’s what draws people in.

“The late-night crowd is when everyone is bar-hopping,” said Rusty’s manager, Kevin Pawlowski. “Everybody is coming from here or Dixie or Backstreets or Big Blue or The Deck or Rack’em and it’s just a big circle of fun.”

Sonnhalter and Jenkins don’t want them to be as loud as late, which is why they’re proposing a time limit. 

“It’s so loud,” said Sonnhalter. “I’m thinking 10 o’clock during the week and 11 o’clock on weekends.”

Both women love where they live, they’re just hoping to come to a compromise with the bar.

“We need a good community relationship with Rusty’s,” said Jenkins. “We are not saying Rusty’s is terrible and we want them out of here. We just want them to be a little considerate of the people that live here.”

The city confirms police are looking into the noise complaints. 

Councilman John Gunter is in favor of bands needing a special permit to play outside past 11 p.m.

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