Anglican Choir Create Virtual Music Video
Anglican Choir Create Virtual Music Video

Unable to gather due to the Covid-19 pandemic, choir members of the Anglican Church of Bermuda recently created a music video to celebrate Pentecost on Sunday [May 31].

Rev Gavin Tyte told Bernews, “Traditionally at Pentecost, in the Cathedral, Spirit of the Living God has been sung. However, as we were unable to gather, the musical director, Jennie Foster-Skelton, and the cathedral organist, Jonathan, decided to invite members of choirs across the Anglican churches to record their parts at home.

“The piece goes from 2-6 singers in the first verse, then to 10 singers, then to 16, and finally to 26 singers in the last verse. It is wonderful to gather with such a diverse range of singers and the result is absolutely beautiful.”

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