Bleeding Heart Pigeons release second album
Bleeding Heart Pigeons release second album

Bleeding Heart Pigeons

LIMERICK trio Bleeding Heart Pigeons released their second album ‘Stir’ on Friday May 22. That was preceded this week by new single ‘All for the Best’, a live favourite from the band’s set in the last few of years.

The new single and the album is filled with strong pop songwriting on the bedrock of lush experimental and expansive soundscapes you expect from BHP.

Now after almost 12 years of making music together, Bleeding Heart Pigeons say the music they make is their original take from the synth-pop of Talk Talk and New Order, indie-rock of Grizzly Bear and the atmospheric electronics of Boards of Canada.

Stream and own the album HERE

Stir by Bleeding Heart Pigeons

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Eric writes for the Entertainment Pages of Limerick Post Newspaper and edits the music blog where you can watch and listen to music happening in the city and beyond.
