2019-10-11 09:21:5329 minutes ago
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WINDHOEK – Namibia’s very own streaming and download site, DonluAfrica, will host its own music festival next year in April.
Founder of the site Llewelyn Adams informed Entertainment Now! that the idea originated from the artists, as they are always looking for proper platforms to showcase their art and for fans to enjoy their favourite artists’ music.
“So, as platform creators, we deemed it necessary to create this platform where we’ll have a full-on Namibian line up for the inaugural event,” he informed Entertainment Now!.
As the local music scene started to pick, in terms of attendance to different shows this year, speculation was rife that their line-up would include international acts to attract fans across the country.
“We have discussed the idea of inviting international artists, we have agreed against it. So many festivals invite international artists to have that pull factor, but we believe that our Namibian artists can have that same pull factor if we all work together,” he explained.
The popular site has 968 local artists and not long ago they celebrated reaching a million streams ‑ a first for a local site hosting local music.
“Consistency pretty much played a role in this. We tried and tested quite a few things when it comes to the site. We saw what worked and what didn’t and simply decided to stick to what works. The artists too played a role in this, as they too pushed their music that was on our platform,” he said.
For now, the festival is one of the biggest things that supporters can look forward to as well as an app that they will be launching soon.
Strauss Lunyangwe
2019-10-11 09:21:53 29 minutes ago
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