Recognised for long service to music
Recognised for long service to music

Mr Frank Cammans, Music Co-ordinator at Faith Lutheran College, Tanunda won an award for long and noteworthy service.

Mr Frank Cammans, Music Co-ordinator at Faith Lutheran College, Tanunda has been recognised for Long and Noteworthy Service to music education.

Mr Cammans was just one of four music educators from across the state to receive the honour through AHOMINGS (Association Heads of Music in Non-Government Schools).

AHOMINGS consists of 150 members who are ‘heads of music’ from across SA.

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“It is a great honour and privilege to be recognised. Personally I’m absolutely thrilled about it, but I do feel it’s acknowledgement of the whole team here,” said Mr Cammans.

Mr Cammans has clocked up 21 years of service to music education, with six of them being at Faith Lutheran College.

Describing himself as the ‘mini boss’ of the music department, Mr Camman’s day includes co-ordinating the curriculum and teaching students from Year 8 through to 12.

But he puts receiving the award down to his passion for music and that of fellow music educators he’s worked with over the years.

“I’ve been able to do this over 21 years due to the people I’ve worked with and taught,” said Mr Cammans.

“The best part is working closely with the students. You’re building strong and positive relationships with them.

“You’re certainly pleased to have fantastic students come through with talent. Georgia Mannion (George Alice) is one this year. And in other schools I’ve had classical composers go on to perform in theatre and several have gone on to be music teachers.”

Being a musician and composer in his own right, Mr Cammans has had experience in jazz bands, conducting orchestras and even accompanying soloists.

But it’s being an educator he really loves, and believes music can really build confidence in students, as well as have a positive impact on their behaviour and mental health.

“We, at Faith, just want to promote music in the community in a positive way,” he said.

“I am a music educator, but I think being so passionate and a music advocate is part of the recognition.”

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