How the hell did we get swept up in the life of comedian and Saturday Night Live’s unpredictable fuccboi Pete Davidson’s emotional tabloid journey, filled with whirlwind romances (Ariana Grande, Kate Beckinsale, and 18-year-old supermodel Kaia Gerber), heartbreak, mental health scares, tales of living with his mom, and his growing tattoo collection? Maybe because the recent Paper Magazine cover dude, who appears there as a dickless Ken doll — Google it — told the publication that he treats every woman he’s with like a princess, which is both a bit unsettling but also low-key charming. Shit. Now we want to date Pete Davidson. OK, but in all seriousness, the self-deprecating 26-year-old Staten Island native is very funny and has been long before he and Grande adopted a pet pig and got, like, way too many couple’s tattoos in a very short amount of time.
Event begins at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 29, at the Royal Oak Music Theatre; 318 W. Fourth St., Royal Oak; 248-399-2980; royaloakmusictheatre.com; Tickets are $150+.
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