Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 4:25 pm
Press Release: The Incubator Creative Hub

Having overcome an event that literally changed his life
in 2018 performer Mana has found his feet again or more so
risen from the ashes like the Phoenix. 
He has found
his wings again and has relearned to fly -This is the
This evening event sees the deput
performance where Mana morphs into his new onstage persona V

This is not only is it the English name
he was baptised with at birth, but also a statement about a
man who has gone from VICTIM to VICTOR and has been
victorious in overcoming trials and tribulations most would
not have been able to defeat.

Mana Farrell, seasoned
artist of 30 years as a professional entertainer, having
never been boxed into one genre, soaring from Choir singer
to Jazz singer to Musical Theatre actor, to R&B singer
to Pop singer to Soul singer to Classical and Opera singer,
all the while performing kapahaka throughout the whole of
that time.

“The inspiration for this show was to
forget any negativity going on in the world at this present
time and to just enjoy the moment and the now. Really
appreciate “all you have, big and small”. Says Mana

calls this new show Lullaby – inspired by beautiful and
moving classic and well-known Māori songs.

This will
be topped off by sweet ethereal folk like songs, self-penned
over his exciting career.


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