The missionary- driven music ministry Vinesong stopped by to have a chat with BellaRose Okojie on Breakfast in the City as they are in Nigeria for Holy Ghost Congress organized by The Redeemed Chrisitan Church of God (RCCG). Amongst them were:
Daniel and Charlene Cork
Rachael Gray
Zachary Laughlin
Kryzstov Mencner
On the relationship between Vinesong and Nigeria
The relationship between Vinesong and Nigeria has been since
1998. We were at Lekki 98 and our founder John. Watson is the composer of
most of the songs you hear.
On ministerial Tours
We travel to many different countries and have been to over 40 countries. In choosing a country to go to, we pray about it because we don’t want to just pick any place. We go to the United States annually for 3 months and attend and attend the National Day of Prayer. We come to Holy Ghost Congress and pray to shape our year. There is a tinge of spirituality here (in Nigeria) but it’s in every country. It is not extreme
The inspiration behind On our songs
Pastor John is the main composer and has written songs like ‘Peace like a river’, ‘Our God reigns’ (which was written in 7 minutes) and ‘Let your living water’. He always gives God the glory because he says they were written from heaven and God just needed someone to sing it. He directs everything
On motives
It’s hard to say or judge any particular person. I believe
God uses anyone whose heart is pure and it is based on where your heart is and
God will bless it. But if you want it for the fame that’s between you and God.
On being recognized, or not
We have been related to a Nigerian church and we meet them (Nigerians) in different countries and they know our songs. Even if they don’t recognize us or the name (Vinesong), they know our music and that’s what we want, that the anointing on the song will rest on them
On changing genres
God has given us something unique and we don’t want to
compete with anyone or change it.