Photo courtesy Firewater Tent Revival/Facebook Firewater Tent Revival Update: This event will not start around 1:30 p.m. Follow the event page for up0dates and changes to the schedule. The run time of the event might also be impacted due to today’s announcement of a curfew in Orange County.
For two months – pretty much from the moment that venues were forced to close their doors as the coranavirus spread through Florida – Jessica Pawli and her Southern Fried Sunday family have staged virtual music festivals every single weekend, with over 70 musicians from all around the country taking part.
Today sees the final installment, a massive affair appropriately named Big Pause, and for many it could be a good way to decompress after an utterly tumultuous last few days.
The lineup is dense as a diamond: Firewater Tent Revival, Hannah Harber, Kaleigh Baker & Matt Walker, Tony Hume (Kynda), Someday River, Paul Fournier (Wild Root Music), Tanya Huang, Patrick Hagerman & Matt Tuten, Jordan Foley & Tanner Johnson, Austin Miller, and The Dropout.
Proceeds go to the individual musicians as well as NIVA and the advocacy work they are doing on behalf of independent venues across the country. SFS isn’t asking for a thing but a Facebook “like.”
Big Pause started at noon today but goes late into the night – 11 p.m. to be exact. Watch all the action unfold on the Southern Fried Sunday Facebook page. This is a labor of love and, hopefully, a chance to take a deep breath.
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