In a region where live music is everything – both for audiences and for...
World News
Stephin Merritt has just spent six weeks confined to his Manhattan apartment after contracting...
Like many other aspects of life, the music industry has been changed, possibly permanently,...
In the snug warmth of a children’s centre a group of mothers sing with...
A mile east of the Luís I Bridge in the middle of a residential...
Rory Stewart declared his desire to walk through every borough of London with a...
‘When he got stabbed I just thought, we’re fucked. If he is alive, there...
Music lovers have benefited dramatically from the onset of technology as it has made...
Beyond the ‘dead white dudes’: how to solve the gender problem in Australian classical music | Music
Western Sydney composer Holly Harrison grew up wanting to make music. But she cannot...
Once there were bread and circuses. Now there are DJ sets and kebabs. As...